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  • Give Great Deals: Start Discount Card Fundraiser

Want a fundraiser that supports local businesses, keeps money in your community, has the publicity and support of area merchants, is welcomed by supporters and raises big funds fast? Sound impossible? Read on and learn about Discount Card fundraisers.

What is a discount card fundraiser?

A discount card fundraiser consists of selling pre-printed cards that are worth a discount from area merchants and service people. Area businesses agree to give a discount of their choosing to all who present cards to them at their business or at the time of service delivery. Your organization sells the cards at a set rate – usually $5 to $10 – and buyers can use the cards for as long as agreed upon by participating area businesses; the expiration should be printed on the cards.

How do you start a discount card fundraiser?

The easiest way to get started running a discount card fundraiser is to pair with a company that coordinates the drive and prints the cards for your organization. The discount card fundraising company will contact and negotiate with area merchants and solicit participation.

Once participating merchants and service people are contracted, the discount card fundraising company will print the cards and include on the back a list of participating merchants, including what discounts are available at each.


Restaurant Discount Card Fundraiser


What’s in it for everybody?

With a discount card fundraiser, everybody wins: Area merchants and service people get increased business and revenue; area customers get discounts of local services and purchases they need; and your organization profits from discount card sales profits.

Your organization benefits from the ease and simplicity of the sale as well. With one simple product, there are no tedious sorting and storage issues. Discount cards are simple for even very young sellers to sell. And if you choose to go the route of cash and carry sales, there is no lingering delivery to contend with.


City Discount Card Fundraiser
Get started with your scratch card fundraiser here. (Sponsored link)


How are discount cards sold?

Discount cards can be sold one of two ways:

1. One way is to print informational literature and order takers, or obtain them from the discount card fundraising company, and collect orders for the cards. Money is collected upfront, and there is no out-of-pocket expense to your organization.

2. The second option does require an initial out-of-pocket expenditure, but can result in a fast and easy campaign. In this option, a set number of discount cards are ordered and paid for ahead of time at wholesale cost. Sellers then sell the cards for the agreed upon amount and deliver the discount cards at the point of purchase. This is often preferable for buyers, and instant savings can boost discount card sales.

Discount card fundraisers are often met with great success. With the all around support and inherent win-win-win situation, discount card fundraisers are gaining in popularity by the day.


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